Is environmental law properly applied?
Jame English
YOUR HUMAN RIGHT TO DRINKING WATER: A BRIEF CONSTITUTIONAL PERSPECTIVE Written by Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf (LL.B) (LL.M) 10 March 2017 In order for most living organisms to thrive, fresh drinking water is essential. For those living in Cape Town, Western Cape, a day without water to many, is a day Continue Reading
No Showers at the Beach
No Showers at the Beach Not too long ago, all South Africans were encouraged to save water starting with their dripping taps in their households. Today, the water crisis in South Africa had become a heightened issue and we find the request to saving water had extended much further than Continue Reading
Air Pollution – how we all suffer When it comes to pollution as a whole, whether natural or man made, the causes are endless. The scary part? Most of it are caused by man itself. In the broader spectrum of matters, we looking at industrial factories, exhaust fumes from cars Continue Reading
Keep our environment clean!
Why we should keep our environment clean as a collective… We have been gifted with the earth’s natural resources and everyone enjoys the benefits of these resources. There’s no doubt that over the years, we’ve been taking our resources for granted by injecting toxins, in the form of hazardous wastes Continue Reading
Littering on road running events
Running has gained astounding popularity over the last few years. What was once thought of as a sport only for the fast, fit and trim, has turned out to be the ideal sport of choice for all shapes and sizes. Many who used to watch the Comrades Ultra Marathon on Continue Reading
Cape Town Heritage
These structures are part of our environment so lets preserve them! When taking a walk down memory lane, we can’t help but admire South Africa’s colourful history and diverse cultures embodying freedom and hope of a better country. Due to this, it is worth highlighting the crucial role fellow South Continue Reading
History in the Sea. Should they be removed?
Should one take the time to look at the shores of the Cape, one might see some interesting things protruding from the waters. If you are lucky, you may have sighted a shipwreck dating back hundreds of years ago with some very interesting history. From an environmental conservation perspective, these Continue Reading